• Students must pay for the entire term upfront, and no lessons will be discounted from the invoice. In some cases, make-up classes may be offered.
  • A maximum of 1 catch-up lesson per term is allowed and lesson credits/catch-up lessons expire at the end of each term and must be taken before the start of the new term.
  • Make-up classes for holiday or school camp absences will be offered if notified at least seven days in advance.
  • If advance notice is given, one makeup class will be offered for absences due to illness, social commitments, competitions, religious reasons, or car accidents/breakdowns.
  • Make-up lessons will not be provided for last-minute cancellations due to catching up with studies or work.
  • Make-up lessons will not be provided if you miss a lesson without notifying in advance.
  • A complete term must be finished once the student has enrolled, no refunds for mid-term cancellations.
  • Makeup classes will not be counted as credits for the next term.
  • The credits for makeup classes expire at the end of each term.
  • Re-enrolment may be refused if the student misses three or more lessons per term due to reasons different to illness or travel.
  • Students must cancel lessons and request catchups through email. No verbal cancellations or make- up requests will be considered.
  • Students will be charged for lessons during holiday periods, except during the 3rd and 4th weeks of December and the 1st and 2nd weeks of January.
  • No lessons are provided on Public Holidays, and you will not be charged for these days.
  • We offer live Zoom online lessons during your regular lesson time if you cannot attend the studio in person.
  • Each lesson commences and ends at the time of your booking. If you are running late, there is no guarantee that you will be given the complete lesson.
  • All parents or guardians must be present during the student’s stay in our premises. No minors are to be left unattended out of the classroom.
  • Please Park in the street outside the house while keeping all driveways clear.
  • Images of students will not be shared on social networks unless written consent is given by the parent/guardian.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the classroom, especially nut-related foods like peanuts and almonds.
  • All breakages or damage to Bonjour Australia property must be paid for. – Please put this sentence detached from the above sentence
  • Payment of fees implies your acceptance of Bonjour Australia School’s Terms and Conditions and your agreement to abide by these Terms and Conditions.